The Leaning Tower of Pisa

On May 1, 2014 we travelled by car to the town of Pisa. I was amazed at how small the are is comprised of the Duomo, a museum, two burial buildings (one specifically for those of the Jewish faith) and the bell tower which we know as the leaning tower of Pisa. The construction if the tower began in the 1300\’s and took until 2011 to reinforce the tower to allow people to ascend the stairs to the top. In a city of 100,000 people, 60,000 are students at the University if Pisa.



We quickly learned that May 1st is a holiday in as we had one heck of a time finding a family restaurant, called a Tratorria, to have lunch. But, we had a great driver, Claudio, who found the perfect place. Terrazza Panoromica is a three generation family owned restaurant, and I must say, the view was panoramic. I was lucky enough to meet the current owner who was quite ready to hug her customers.

