Cooking Classes in Tuscany

Enjoying our hard work

Castillo di Olivetto

Wine Cellar Dungeon


I spent a wonderful day in a castle with centuries of history and art. The Castello di Oliveto still produces EVOO – extra virgin olive oil and quality wine. They boast an antique wine cellar with barrels housed in the dungeon. I might add, it is my kind of dungeon!!

Getting ready to eat


All five of us shared the preparation of several kinds of crostini, sausage and cheese, mushrooms, and zucchini and cheese. We even made chicken liver pate – probably the best I have ever had! Bill, our token Italian, was in charge of the stuffed zucchini and tomatoes, and all of us learned how to make fresh pasta dough which magically turned into cheese and spinach ravioli and tagliatelle. I was in charge of the ragout meat sauce and Mary Jo made the cantuccini cookies for desert.


And the final test of our culinary experience!

All of us enjoyed the final result along with their award winning wine.  In fact, we ate the leftovers tonight!  Caio!
